Jeff Donofrio, President and CEO of Business Leaders for Michigan, made the following statement after the House and Senate approved the School Aid budget for the upcoming fiscal year:
“We’re pleased the Legislature approved a robust School Aid budget this week that gives educators time to plan a full return to in-person K-12 instruction this fall, fulfills an almost three-decade promise around per-pupil funding, and drives more dollars into the classroom. By closing the foundation gap, Michigan can now follow the lead of other states and shift focus towards equity: ensuring every student has the resources and supports needed to succeed.
“The Legislature also supported administrative efficiencies, ensuring that up to $150 million more dollars get into the classroom. This budget will help to streamline school reporting, drive best practices for in-classroom and out-of-classroom spending and staffing, and consolidate IT systems across the state. Business Leaders for Michigan has long advocated for identifying administrative efficiencies in the educational system to free up more dollars for the classroom to better support student learning. We commend our leaders in the Legislature for their bipartisan work in delivering this historic, impactful budget.”