Opinion: Funds to drive more resources into Michigan classrooms are languishing. Our kids pay the ultimate price.

JD Headshot

As seen in Crain’s Detroit Business, June 13, 2024 Opinion: Funds to drive more resources into Michigan classrooms are languishing. Our kids pay the ultimate price. By Jeff Donofrio  Education is foundational to Michigan’s success. We need best-in-class K-12 and post-secondary education and training systems to prepare Michiganders for future jobs, increase incomes, close the […]

Opinion: A wake-up call to change K-12 education system

Ron Hall and Mike Jandernoa2

As appears in Crain’s Detroit Business  Who is ultimately accountable for K-12 educational outcomes? New analysis a wake-up call to change the system.  By Ron Hall and Mike Jandernoa April 16, 2024 Our K-12 public education system is not doing right by our kids. The crux of this crisis is unfolding in our own backyards. […]

Opinion: Fixing Michigan schools will take time, hard work, investment

classroom chairs

As published in the Detroit Free Press August 13, 2022 By Jeff Donofrio and Paula Herbart Historically, our public education system was designed around an agricultural and manufacturing economy where only a high school diploma was needed to enter the middle class, and students moved along their academic careers year after year, like parts on […]

Michigan’s Path to the Top 10: Do better by our kids

children in a classroom

Education is foundational to Michigan’s success. The state must have best-in-class K-12 and post-secondary education and training systems to prepare Michiganders for the jobs of the future, to close the talent gap with leading states, and to be competitive for new jobs and business investments. Michigan’s population is aging, with more than 100,000 individuals expected […]