Compete to Win:
Michigan’s Path to Top 10
Priority Areas
Our people are the lifeblood of our businesses. That is why Business Leaders for Michigan is using our data-driven approach to reassess and reevaluate the steps Michigan must take to be more competitive.
The overall strategy can be broken down into these four key priority areas:
Do better by our kids
States with the highest rates of education attainment have the highest quality of life and the largest incomes. Unfortunately, Michigan’s K-12 students have fallen far behind in math and reading metrics.
Invest in people
Businesses go where the talent is based—which is why it’s imperative to develop, attract and retain the best talent in our state.
Accelerate our economy
Michigan’s economy has made great strides in recent years, but our growth is still below the national average.
Get the fundamentals right
While Michigan has made improvements in our tax and business climate, fiscal conditions and business regulation, more progress is needed to attract young talent and bolster our infrastructure.