Our Priorities

Get the fundamentals right

Since 2009, Michigan has made improvements in tax and business climate, fiscal conditions, and business regulation, which has led to a more positive perception of the state. However, business competitiveness has changed over time, and Michigan needs to be nimble in order to compete against other states. 

Talent drives competitiveness now more than ever, and Michigan must do more to make the state attractive to younger generations, including being a welcoming, inclusive place for immigrants and LGBTQ+ and other diverse communities. In addition, the state must sustain its focus on improving infrastructure – everything from water and sewer lines to broadband and EV charging stations – as well as support the cultural gems, recreational opportunities and natural resources that make Michigan a uniquely attractive place to live and work.

Key National Metrics


In GDP per Capita


In Business Climate

Why it Matters

When companies are looking to expand or locate in a state, they look at the cost of doing business, the reliability of infrastructure and the quality of life

Photo provided by Visit Detroit

We must act now

170k Michigan jobs at risk due to the EV transition – equal to the number of jobs in Lansing and Grand Rapids

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Recommendations to Get the Fundamentals Right

Ensure a competitive cost of doing business and good governance...

Invest in infrastructure

Make Michigan a destination for people and employers

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